Articles in this series
Hey folks, welcome to a mini-series of articles in which I continue my Rust learning journey, aiming to share knowledge and enjoyment throughout the...
Before we delve into the sub-crate modules, let's add a few crates that are common to the workspace and can be shared among all the crates. Update...
Let's start with our first common module which will be fairly basic and provide a good base to start dealing with our database. Open the Cargo.toml...
In this article, we will set up the Kafka crate with a generic producer and consumer capable of producing and consuming data in the Avro format. We...
Every workspace can have multiple application crates that can have some common utility functions, constants, models/structs for HTTP Request/Response,...
I hope you've reached this point, and now we'll begin creating our first microservice application: a books HTTP REST API with a single POST endpoint...